A well known saying here in Canada is that March "comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb". That same analogy could be used for me as I started out training like a lion in February, and went out whimpering like a lamb. Due to severe pain in my lower back I've personally been unable to train for over a month. Even tying my shoes has been a chore some days. I'll get over this and still bench 450 by years end. I'm almost going to promise......almost! Our Electronic Magazine(E-Mag) has been coming along, and has been really popular with strength fans from all over the world. We are always looking for people to send us articles on strength related sports in power lifting, Armwrestling, Strongman, Body Building and Olympic weight lifting.
Curtis Dennis Jr.has a couple of new
interview articles that will be posted soon. One is with super bench press
powerlifter Sebastian Burns of Metal
Militia and the other is with strongman great Svend Karlsen.
We'll be using a new shopping cart and accounting system sometime in the next two weeks, and it will process credit cards live, so the consumer will know immediately if their order has been approved, and will save us time meaning faster deliveries on all our products. If you know of any new products that you think we should be carrying, email Tara at tara@heavysports.com We are always looking for something new and innovative for the strength game. Our E-Mag logo above has a button for a strength forum, and we're hoping to debut it by May 1st. It will have many different categories including classifieds, supplement and steroid talk and categories for each type of strength sport. I always welcome your comments and constructive criticism. Email me at bmorrison@heavysports.com . 'til next time.... Live Strong! Bill
Morrison --President |
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