Heavy Sports Inc. is dedicated to helping all
athletes achieve greater success through our links and strength training
resources as well as our unique fitness products that will help athletes build
stronger fingers, wrist, hand and forearm muscles.
For the hard-core Strength Athlete,
HeavySports.com will continue to offer a wide range of resources
for all athletes interested
in power and strength sports that require
lifting, pushing, pulling, dragging and believe in pushing themselves physically
to the utter limit......and beyond..... whether
it's with weights, logs, rocks or flipping cars. We also have great links to
fitness sites that have fantastic information on diet and fitness as well as
supplement reviews and much more.
Click on any of the buttons in the left column to go to
the best sites on the Heavy Sport you're interested in. We've done the searching for you for quick
access to the best power and strength related pages on the net.

Coming Soon! New Therapy and
Fitness Series hand grippers ! These innovative new handgrips range in strength from
10inch-lbs to 100inch-lbs and are smaller and lighter than our Heavy Grips.
Perfect for stroke and heart attack victims, paralysis therapy, grip therapy,
arthritis, youth athletes and much more.

Get HUGE ARMS with HUGE SAVINGS on the Heavy Handle™ Dumbells!
Only $19.95 each or 2 for $29.95
. The innovative new Heavy Handle™ Dumbbell
This innovative dumbbell with it's unique
patent-pending design will allow you to add a totally innovative exercise
routine to your current training regimen. By changing the weight to either of
the two weight shafts, you change the angle of resistance which allows you to
target the muscle group you are working on in a totally new way.
Visit www.heavyhandle.com for more

Heavy Grips™ Hand Grippers
If you want to build huge freaky forearms
and crushing grip strength, these super handgrippers are the ultimate training
tool. They are available in 50 lb increments from 100lbs to 350lbs so you can
train your grip like any other bodypart--with low repetitions, negatives and
forced reps.
Click here for more information on the
Heavy Grips
Heavy Grips hand-grippers and Heavy Handle Dumbbells
will help you get in the best shape
of your life!!
Check out the great deals on unique
strength training equipment at

Inspirational Story:
See how
part-time firefighter Ray Herbert lost 110lbs and kept it off for over 7 years.
Ray has competed in the Fireman Combat Challenge's.
Heavy Sports is proud to introduce the innovative
new Heavy Handle™ Dumbbell
This innovative dumbbell with it's unique
patent-pending design will allow you to add a totally innovative exercise
routine to your current training regimen. By changing the weight to either of
the two weight shafts, you change the angle of resistance which allows you to
target the muscle group you are working on in a totally new way.
Visit www.heavyhandle.com for more

Check out the reviews of our Heavy Grips™ hand grips by the readers at
Testosterone Magazine.

Develop crushing grip
strength and huge forearms with these high quality super handgrippers.
Click here for Current Pricing.
